SATRO is an educational charity working across the South Central England. We work in schools with young people between the ages of 7-18 of all abilities. 

A Passion For Inspiring Young People

Our Charitable Aim

Is to inspire and develop the aspirations of young people in our region.  Supporting them to develop their passions and explore pathways to a successful career which will benefit our regional economy, wider society and all our futures.

Our Values

  • Inspire to Educate through our core delivery
  • Enthuse young people to reach their full potential as tomorrow’s workforce
  • Challenge and Innovate for a better future
  • Partner for Sustainability within our charity and for the environment
What We Do

Surrey SATRO was originally founded in 1983 as part of a wider regional network which was dissolved with the removal of government funding. The current charity was registered in 1994 and receives no such funding.  We have over that time delivered to in excess of 500,000 young people.

In the 2023-24 academic year we:
  • supported over 11,300 young people,
  • delivered over 26,500 unique sessions,
  • and engaged over 4,600 employee volunteer hours.  
We bring together schools, employers and their staff, on a one to one basis, at classroom or year group level to participate in workshops, regional challenges and large-scale events. Delivering to all abilities and within all settings from mainstream to special needs, pupil referral units, alternative provision and home education.

Our stakeholders trust in us to deliver. We are known and respected by not only the quality of our programmes, but for the measurable outcomes that demonstrate the positive impact on young people. 

As a charity we engage with charitable trusts, individual donors and corporate responsibility programmes. A key focus for us as a charity is to bring our work to elements of the disadvantaged student population lacking access to opportunities.  This may be access to activities which cultivate their interests or a guide to their pathways for the future.  We work with those at risk of being left behind within society and by the education system, to those with specific needs who require additional support in their learning.  Providing access to learning, inspiration and mentoring that has the potential to broaden their horizons and challenge their future aspirations.

We also provide our services to schools who are able to meet the cost themselves or are supported to do so through sponsorship.  Our pricing reflects our charitable aims providing a wide range of access and support to all.

Our History
There were originally 47 SATROs (Science And Technology Regional Organisations) across the country funded by government.  The pre-cursor to which in Surrey was the Technology and Science Centre started in 1971. 

Surrey SATRO was started in 1994 as a charity.  Today we are the only remaining named SATRO organisation after government funding was withdrawn in 2011.

A selection of interesting dates in SATRO's history:
  • 1985 Start of Primary Science programme
  • 1987 First Problem Solving Challenge
  • 1997 First Festival of Science & Engineering
  • 1998 Take on management of the Surrey EBP (Education Business Partnership)
  • 2000 Mentoring Programme launched
  • 2006 Mobile Construction Classrooms started
  • 2013 Launch of SATROclub
  • 2016 Awarded Careers & Enterprise Company contract for mentoring in Surrey/Hampshire
  • 2017 SATRO volunteers nominated for Queen's Award for Volunteering
  • 2020 Developed virtual resources, activities, festivals and challenges due to COVID-19
  • 2021 Launch of our first events for Home Educating students
  • 2022 New look annual STEM festival - SATROfest
  • 2023 Our Inaugural Construction festival