SATRO's Impact
What difference do we make?
SATRO has over its 40 years delivered to in excess of 500,000 young people.
- supported over 10,900 young people,
- delivered over 29,500 unique sessions,
- and engaged over 5,200 employee volunteer hours.
Research Projects Sept 2022: "I had the irreplaceable support of my provider and other professionals who gave up their time to discuss their theories and expertise with me, answering my questions and giving me the space to float my own ideas."
SATROFest March 2023: "Today has helped me see myself in a career in STEM more clearly, with the subjects I enjoy most."
Construction May 2023: Oli has successfully gained an Electrical Apprenticeship to start in September. They were particularly impressed when he shared his SATRO portfolio of work at interview particularly as they don't usually recruit to at his age.
- 83% agreed that SATROfest had introduced them to STEM careers they didn't know about,
- 76% agreed that they met someone of took part in an activity that changed their attitude to STEM careers.
- 84% agreed that they are more aware of how to gain employment with the construction industry,
- 81% agreed that ConstructionFest introduced them to careers they didn't know about.
BAE Challenge
- 96% agreed that they are clearer about their career goals and confident in their ability to achieve them,
- 93% agreed that as a result of taking part they believe that anyone is able to do any job regardless of gender, race or disability.
Teachers provide feedback on all our sessions and which helps us review and develop what we deliver.
Teacher on Research Project Programme Offer 2023: "What a fantastic range of potential projects! i am sure the students who are accepted onto the programme will gain a huge amount. Thank you for all your organisation."
ConstructionFest Apr 2023: 94% agreed that students were supported in understanding their career choices.
Teacher on Construction Sessions 2023: "I just wanted to say thank you so much for everything - the difference your programme has made to our students has been amazing."
Teacher on Business Games June 2023: “It was an outstanding event for the pupils and they learnt an enormous amount about business in the process. I was most impressed with how engaged the pupils were and how they worked with such tenacity for the length of time that they did.”
Companies & Volunteers
Company attending a SATRO Festival 2023: "An uplifting and inspiring day, it was so great to see the engagement and participation from the students. As ever the SATRO team are all stars!"
Local Enterprise Partnership visiting ConstructionFest 2023: "A very interactive and inspirational day all round for construction students in Surrey who are considering their future career options"
Volunteer at ConstructionFest Apr 2023: "This sector particularly engineering, needs to be diverse and inclusive of all young learners regardless of their academic ability and qualifications. It was clear from my conversations with the students that many of them aspire to pursue a career in construction and just need the right encouragement and positive reinforcement to build their confidence and self-esteem. SATRO Construction Festival achieved this in my opinion."
Relevant Research
- Adapt learning for the future
- Inspire the next generation
- Address a skills shortage