- Manufacture products, buy supplies and sell their products
- Produce marketing campaigns and win orders from buyers
- Manage their finances and operate their bank account
- Deal with emergencies e.g. stock market crash or a strike
These events are designed for larger numbers, up to a full year group, although we can be flexible to accommodate different ages and numbers so please contact us to discuss your specific requirements.
Thanks to charitable funding we have raised which supports State Primary and SEN schools, we are able to offer subsidised rates:
- £500 full day
- £330 half day
For Independent Schools:
- £600 full day
- £400 half day
For all schools:
• Bookings on 2 consecutive days qualify for a 10% discount
• 3 or more bookings on different dates made in same enquiry qualify for a 10% discount
We may have funding available to support your ability to take part in this workshop particularly for schools with high levels of Pupil Premium/SEN. Please enquire when booking.

- Engages them in problem solving and working to tight deadlines, individually and in teams
- Brings Numeracy and Literacy to life in a practical, hands-on way
- Understand job roles and how a business works
- Gives them experience of working with business people and an opportunity to discuss careers.
- Helps enhance the national curriculum and reinforce learning objectives
- Links the curriculum to career opportunities
- Enables teachers to develop links with businesses for the future
- Contributes towards continuous professional development programmes.
- Assists with meeting requirements to achieve specialist status in Business & Enterprise
- Helps enhance the schools' reputation
- Develops links to local companies through the business volunteers involved in the activity.