- What it means to be healthy and how we define health;
- Using practical activities to explore how health can be measured using scientific equipment;
- The parts of the digestive system and its function;
- What constitutes a balanced diet.
- to explore what it means to be healthy;
- to practice measuring and recording data accurately;
- to be able to explain good health.
- taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment;
- recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function;
- describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food.
Our workshops are bespoke to you and adaptable to suit your timetable, and most can be delivered in 60 to 100 minutes. This means that we can cater for the number of classes in each year group and provide back-to-back sessions across the school day, delivering the workshop to different class groups, with two sessions before lunch and one after.
We have to make a charge to cover our staff and materials costs, but our pricing is structured to enable this flexibility.
Thanks to charitable funding we have raised which supports State Primary and SEN schools, we are able to offer heavily subsidised rates:
- 1 Workshop session £75
- 2 Workshop sessions £150
- 3 Workshop sessions £225
For Independent Schools:
- 1 Workshop session £200
- 2 Workshop sessions £400
- 3 Workshop sessions £600