- What it means to be healthy and how we define health;
- Using practical activities to explore how health can be measured using scientific equipment;
- The parts of the digestive system and its function;
- What constitutes a balanced diet.
- to explore what it means to be healthy;
- to practice measuring and recording data accurately;
- to be able to explain good health.
- taking measurements, using a range of scientific equipment;
- recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function;
- describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food.
Each session is a minimum of 1.5 hours, we can be flexible in providing back-to-back sessions across the school day delivering to different class groups. This could allow 2-3 class groups to take part in a full day delivery. Please contact us to discuss specific requirements to cover different classes or year groups as delivery can be flexible to meet needs.
State & SEN discounted* to £250/ half day discount of 10% for same day £475/ full day
Independent Schools £600/ full day.