An opportunity for an 'off-curriculum' day that brings inspiring learning into school from our range of workshops, challenges and careers experiences.  
Gatsby Benchmarks:
This activity helps towards meeting the following Gatsby Benchmarks: (GB4) linking curriculum learning and careers and (GB5) encounters with employers.
Years 7-11

How the day works

The event provides a variety of opportunities to engage with employees in different industries and learn more about the applications of STEM and the careers that are available, including:

  • Exhibits from industry, public bodies and research organisations
  • Workshops or industry challenges
  • Careers networking
Run by a SATRO STEM Tutor the event can respond to different focus areas e.g. engineering or technology and can be linked to local industries to bring real-world career path information. 
This full day activity for up to 120 students (dependent on venue capacity) can be adapted for a single school or one which brings smaller groups from different schools together. 

Feedback from a previous event run with Fluor Engineering revealed that:
  • 73.6% of attendees said that they would actively consider a career in STEM
  • 88% felt that talking to employees in STEM jobs helped them think about their futures
Please contact us to discuss specific requirements as delivery can be flexible to meet needs.  
How much does it cost? 
A full day at school for a group of up to 120 students (dependent on venue capacity).   

Our charge for this event reflects the considerable amount of preparation work required to arrange and coordinate the many different participating companies as well as additional staff required.

Thanks to charitable funding we have raised to support the State Secondary and SEN schools we work with we are able to offer subsidised rates:

  • £1,000 full day
  • £850 half day

For Independent Schools:

  • £1,500 full day
  • £1,275 half day

For all schools:
• Events with over 120 students require an additional tutor charged at 25% of the applicable day rate

We may be able to approach companies for funding to support this event particularly for schools with high levels of Pupil Premium/SEN.  Please enquire when booking.