STEM Careers Mentoring
SATRO are a regional partner with STEM Learning offering free online careers mentoring programme for disadvantaged students within the M25 London Area. The next group will start in February 2025 for 10 weeks.
Students will choose their mentor and interact through a moderated digital platform provided by the Brightside Trust and sponsored by GSK.

Years 9-13
How it works
Do you have students aged between 13-19 who are considering a career in STEM and would like to know more? This is an opportunity for them to chat online with a chosen mentor from the sector who will be able to answer questions they may have about pathways, what a career looks like and next steps.
This programme is being run across the country with a specific focus on areas recognised as having a regional STEM Skills inequality. SATRO is the regional partner for the London area (inside the M25).
We are inviting interest from teachers who can identify students with a specific disadvantage to their learning eg. low income, SEND, known to social services, mental health, first generation university candidate (full details provided in link below).
Teacher expression of interest for GSK Regional Online Mentoring Form
The next programme will take place online over a 10 week period starting in February 2025. Students will receive online mentoring, through a fully moderated digital platform, from an experienced and trained STEM ambassador mentor. The will be able to get advice on:
- qualifications,
- careers,
- apprenticeships,
- preparing for employment,
- applying for next steps
- and much more.......
The deadline for signing up is February 14th and you can find more information and register your interest by following the link below.