Work Ready

How to help your mentee be work ready

This is a huge topic.  There are so many resources available to help a young person understand what they may need to do to set themselves up for their first job.

Essential areas are:

  • CV Writing
  • Interview Techniques
  • Transferrable Skills
  • Work Experience


CV Writing

Now that your student is interested in the world of work the first step would be to help them prepare their CV. They may think they don't have anything to put on it but running through a simple format with your student will help them see that their everyday actions can be translated into transferable skills eg team work in a sports team, leadership as a class prefect, presentation skills during their drama productions. 

You may find this link to general CV writing useful and we have also found a general Teenage CV format here 

Interview Techniques

Most of us have experienced a job interview either as a result of a career change or as an interviewer and your experience will be invaluable for your mentee. If you would like to provide tips and suggestions we have a few links below that you could discuss with your mentee.

Here are ten tips for in person interviews.

And here are some extra tips for virtual interviews.

Transferrable Skills

Employers are very keen on transferrable skills ('soft' skills).  Helping your mentee identify what these are, and at the same time recognise their own strengths and areas they need to build on, is a really useful exercise.

They are unlikely to realise that they already possess many of these skills, and identifying where they have these strengths will increase their confidence.

SATRO works in partnerships with Skills Builder which is an online resource that helps students look at their eight essential skills:

  • Listening
  • Speaking
  • Problem Solving
  • Creativity
  • Staying Positive 
  • Aiming High
  • Leadership
  • Teamwork

It is a huge platform, with some areas directed at schools, but the Launchpad area is aimed at students, is free and may help you in your discussions with your mentee about these soft skills.  The link is here.

Work Experience

Employers are very keen on work experience and many schools give year 10 students a week in term time to find work experience locally. Students may also be keen to work during their holidays in an area they are particularly keen on or one they want to consider for a job. This would obviously provide practical skills, improve confidence and demonstrate enthusiasm so if we can encourage or help them with this that would be great

How to find work experience:

  • Work on their CV with the student
  • Ask them to consider the area they are interested in
  • Find out if they have a friend or family member that can help in this area
  • Ask them if the school can help in any way
  • Consider local opportunities eg if they like arts they may want to work in a local theatre
  • Help the mentee to do google searches in the areas they are interested
  • Finally you may be able to match them with a contact you have, but you should speak to the school first for approval.